Saturday, June 21, 2014

Accept More, Understand Less: Learning Rather Than Criticizing

There are a lot of things I don't understand. I don't understand how people from my first college dorm experience still pop up in my head at random moments, making me feel like they're still part of my life, even though I'll probably never see or speak to any of them every again. I don't
understand why I have the best ideas for writing well after one in the morning. But I accept these things. The truth is, we get more out of accepting the way things are than trying to analyze and understand every detail.

My cousin told me he doesn't understand why some lesbians feel the need to make themselves appear more masculine compared to other lesbians. I tried to explain, from my own respective point-of-view, that America's leniency with freedom of expression allows people of all identities and sexual orientations to dress the way they want to dress. We may not understand it, but is understanding it really the point? I don't think so.

Acceptance is one of the most important traits anyone can have. Life is too complex and too vast for us to try to understand every little thing in the first place. We can't just criticize and analyze everything and everyone that crosses paths with us. The bottom line is that trying to understand everything won't get you anywhere you weren't before. Simply accept your experiences and learn from them. You don't always need to understand.

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