
I'm practically all over the Internet, so this page grants you permission to stalk me as much as you'd like because I know how much you would just love to know all about my extraordinary life.

And by 'extraordinary,' I mean extra, extra ordinary.

Gooseywing's Twitter Gooseywing's Tumblr Gooseywing's Instagram Gooseywing's Pinterest Gooseywing's Goodreads

All of the above images were downloaded from each respective website.
I resized them and added links to my pages for each one.

Hogwarts is Here Pottermore by J.K. Rowling

I am a huge Harry Potter fanatic, so I highly recommend you visit these sites: Hogwarts is Here and Pottermore. (I've added links to the sites on the above images). If you are already a member of one or both of them, go ahead and add me! I always accept friendship requests...unless I know you're not a nice person.

My Hogwarts is Here username: gooseywings
My Hogwarts is Here Dorm Number: #824

My Pottermore username: SilverMoon10806

So there you have it. I'm sure all these pages will keep you busy for a while.


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